For this project, I struggled with the initial idea of what I wanted to make the adventure about. I knew I did not want it to be serious so I just started the monster and disregarded the plan I had drawn out. When I drew out my initial idea it was complex and it was frustrating trying to convey the story that I had in my head. Once I had the first slide down and made my first set of choices, I found it easy to continue with the story and make it twist and turn in different directions. I ended up creating many more endings to the story than I thought. At one point almost every path led to death or restarting the game so I altered it to make it possible to win. After I figured out how to make the characters win, I started to add a lot of easter eggs that would lead to success. The process of the GIFs was fun because I was able to make the images come to life and add much more dimension. It was frustrating making them at first because I could not figure out how to make the limbs of the objects move like I had in class but eventually, I made it work and I think they made the appearance of my project more fun.